Sunday, November 09, 2008

TMW Book 1: Begginigs- The FINALE!

After nearly three years, my main webcomic, The Mighty Warlord Book 1, will come to an end! =D All through November/December we will finally reach the end of the first book of Fred Peterson's saga! Will he even survive? =0 While I leave you all to ponder about that, look at this promo I made, from lineart to colors! Hotcha! =D

Well, that's all for now, thank you for reading, hopefully I'll update this blog a lot more frequently, in th emeanwhile, please check out the link sto my wencomics and to the webcomics of my studiomates! 'Till next time, take care and thank you for reading =3

Friday, January 25, 2008

Return of the Sketch! XD

Hello, hello! Finally, 3 new sketches to try and give this blog a go again! First up is Hayami and Shibamura from Gunparade March. The following was a sketch of Spidey and after that, the pencil lineart for a test I was doing, for the sake of experimenting =) Anywho, hopefull I'll update more frequently. Take care everybody, and have a great weekend!